World Happiness 2019
Happiness is considered to be the proper measure of social progress and the goal of public policy. Over the last 10 years ‘happiness’ has come into vogue in international affairs and the international development discourse of the late. The term appears to have broken through a 30 year old exile from the official policy discourse as it shows signs of a slow but steady re- emergence from an obsolete past where the mere use of the word ‘happiness’ appeared to belong principally to the sphere of art and literature. Consequently, a series of publications have significantly promoted ‘happiness’ as a legitimate term to use in the public discourse and policy making of ‘good life’ in combination in the place with more casual wording such as ‘well-being’, ‘welfare’ or ‘wellness’. Although we may sometimes neglect to cultivate our own happiness, feeling happy is intrinsically important. If we are happy it has added knock on effects and benefits. These include us becoming more compassionate and fe...